- 47 results
Search results
Marina Balina
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Professor and Chair of the Department of German, Russian and Asian Languages
Person: Faculty
Robert Bray
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus R. Forest Colwell Professor of American Literature
Person: Faculty
Christopher Callahan
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Professor of French/ Spanish
Person: Faculty
Robert C Delvin
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Fine Arts Librarian and Professor, Emeritus
Person: Faculty
Irving Epstein
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Ben and Susan Rhodes Endowed Professorship in Peace and Social Justice
Person: Emeritus
Victoria N Folse
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Director and Caroline F. Ruper Endowed Professor of Nursing
Person: Faculty
Tian-Xiao He
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Earl and Marion A. Beling Professorship of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Person: Faculty
William Jaeckle
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Semour and Dianne Galina Endowed Professor of Biology
Person: Faculty
Noel M Kerr, PhD, RN, CMSRN
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Person: Faculty
Christopher Prendergast
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Professor of Sociology, Emeritus
Person: Faculty
Karen Schmidt
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus University Librarian and Professor
Person: Faculty
Michael C. Seeborg
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Robert S. Eckley Distinguished Professor of Economics
Person: Faculty
Kevin P. Sullivan
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Chair and Professor, Department of Religion
Person: Faculty
Nancy Sultan
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Professor & Director, Greek & Roman Studies
Person: Faculty
Jason R. Themanson, Ph.D
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Professor, Department of Psychology; Neuroscience Program
Person: Faculty
Marcia L Thomas
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Emeritus Director of Collections and Professor, Emerita
Person: Faculty
Raymond Wilson
- Illinois Wesleyan University - Associate Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Person: Faculty