Greg M. Shaw

Professor of Political Science

Personal profile


Greg Shaw teaches courses on health policy, public opinion, American social policy, Congress, and intellectual history in political science, in addition to his introductory American government course. His research interests include health policy and public opinion. He is the author of The Welfare Debate (Greenwood Press, 2007), a history of welfare policies and the debate surrounding them in the U.S.; The Healthcare Debate (Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO, 2010), which analyzes the debate over government involvement in healthcare provision and finance in the U.S.; and The Dysfunctional Politics of the Affordable Care Act (Praeger, 2017), which brings new understanding of lawmakers’ motivations in crafting the legislation; and Medicare and Medicaid: A Reference Handbook (ABC-CLIO, 2021), which surveys the history of these two programs and explains many of the current challenges they face. He has also authored numerous articles on public opinion and social policy. In his spare time he works on his old house, plays the banjo, and rides ultra-marathon cycling events.


  • Political Science
  • American Politics
  • Comparative Politics
  • Health Policy
  • Social Policy