Hayhoe, R, Bastid, M, Montaperto, R, Henderson, J, Epstein, I, Feeney, S, Adams, D, Gottlieb, EE, Price, RF, Beauchamp, ER, Rubinger, R, Parker, F, Parker, BJ, Purcell, V & Mak, GCL 2017,
Routledge library editions: Education in Asia. in
V1: China's Education and the Industrialised World: Studies in Cultural Transfer; V2: China's Schools in Flux: Report by the State Education Leaders Delegation, National Committee on United States-China Relations; V3: China's Universities, 1895-1995: A Century of Cultural Conflict; V4: Chinese Education: Problems, Policies, and Prospects; V5: Contemporary Chinese Education; V6: Early Childhood Education in Asia and the Pacific: A Source Book; V7: Education and Social Change in Korea; V8: Education in Communist China; V9: Education in Japan: A Source Book; V10: Education in the People's Republic of China, Past and Present: An Annotated Bibliography; V11: Problems of Chinese Education; V12: Women, Education and Development in Asia: Cross-National Perspectives. vol. 1-12, Taylor and Francis, pp. 1-4468.