Student Choice of Mathematics Strategies

Faith Richard, Leah Nillas, Faculty Advisor, Leah A. Nillas

Research output: Faculty Advisor of Undergraduate Research


Teachers are faced with a wide range of abilities in their classrooms every day and are always looking to reach all students’ needs. To differentiate instruction, a teacher can use a “variety of sense-making activities or processes through which students can come to understand and own information and ideas” (Tomlinson, 1995, p. 2). When students are introduced to different strategies and allowed to choose when to use them, they often had an increased understanding of the material (Maloy et al., 2014; Baroody et al., 2013). This study investigates the relationship between students’ choice of mathematics strategies and their skill mastery. First grade students were taught mathematics strategies and expected to use them. Data was collected from field notes, student work, and weekly student anecdotes. Relating to current research, it is essential to provide students with a number of mathematics strategies to enhance their learning and increase their understanding of concepts.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 8 2017


  • educational studies poster


  • Education

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